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Volunteers Serving Food


Give back to the community




Friends of St. Catherien Incorporated is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of those need. Our mission is to provide support and resources to individuals and families facing difficult times. With a of dedicated volunteers and staff, we work tirelessly to make a positive impact in our community. Join in our efforts to make a difference and help those in need


Why Volunteer?


Volunteering is a noble way to give back to one community through service, thus promoting honor and becoming a good citizen.  As a volunteer you will be challenged to think about issues affecting the communities and making a positive contribution. More importantly you will discover a world of special opportunities which will expand your mind and broaden your horizon.


Why give back to the Community?


  Friends of St. Catherine Incorporated is appealing to volunteers with mentorship abilities for our youths for them to maximize their potential. Today’s youth is tomorrow’s future leaders and policy makers.


        Why Me?

At FOSC we believe that children should be granted the opportunities for personal growth not afforded by their parents or fore parents. Your efforts will help our children compete in the global environment.


   Let's have some fun!!


Once you fill out the Volunteer Application, you will be further contacted to continue volunteer process. We thank you for your interest!

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