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Working Towards a Better Tomorrow

                                                                                 How We Work
Friends of St. Catherine Incorporated Community Outreach provides coordinated, comprehensive, integrated and client centered services, our mission is to increase opportunities for people in our communities to overcome hunger and poverty.    Friends of St Catherine Incorporated focus on areas with the potential for high-impact, sustainable solutions that can benefit people. We work closely with our partners to support innovative approaches and expand existing ones so they reach the people in most need.

                                                                             Area of Focus


  • Agricultural Development

  • Emergency Response

  • Global Libraries

  • Water, Sanitation, & Hygiene

Agricultural Development

As a nonprofit organization, our strategy will involve working with small farmers who have land and need the support to either start their own farming or to improve their farming. We support programs that will enable small farmers to break the cycle of hunger and poverty to sell what they grow, increase their incomes and make their farms more productive.

                                                   Collaborative and Comprehensive Approach

There’s no simple solution to the challenges small farmers face. We seek the input of farmers, field workers, business men and policymakers. Ultimately, the objective is to offer solutions that help improve agriculture at every level, planting a seed, tending the soil, marketing of crops, and a viable policy. Successful harvests require quality seeds, healthy soils, appropriate fertilizers, and water and crop management systems. We work to provide small farmers with better farming supplies, training, and support networks.

​                                                                 Emergency Response

Friends of St. Catherine Incorporated will be supporting emergency response effort in times of disaster. Our approach in dealing with disaster relief effort will be through the Office of Disaster Preparedness & Emergency Management and UN human rights department. We believe if there is a disaster in world and the shortage of food, we need to have a partnership with the community.

                                                                       Global Libraries

Through the Friends of St. Catherine Incorporated programs, we will use Global Libraries to bridge the digital divide among communities and globally connect with the rest of the world. The internet provides opportunities to gain access to a wealth of information. People can learn, navigate their searches basically on anything you desire such as health information, use of government services, finances, job search, research for school and work.

                                                             Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

Improving water, sanitation and hygiene by forming strategic partnerships among our major stakeholders. Through a faith based strategic partnership, a formulated plan among churches (both local and international ) and businesses will help to provide healthcare education, awareness, food, drink, comfort to those who need our help and support worldwide.




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